Norwegian Jewel (NCL) - Exterior view

Norwegian Jewel (NCL) - Exterior view view photo in large

Norwegian Jewel (NCL) - Exterior view

Norwegian Cruise Line's (NCL) Norwegian Jewel moored off Villefranche-sur-Mer in France

Anchoring system of the Norwegian Jewel

The anchoring system on cruise ships is essentially the same as on other ships. However, due to their size and weight, cruise ships may require larger anchors and anchor chains to stay safely in position. The Norwegian Jewel has two anchors, each weighing 12 tonnes. Each anchor hangs from a 30-metre anchor chain and is hauled in or out by large windlasses. In addition, there is one anchor as a reserve.

2 pieces + 1 piece replacement, weight approx. 12 tons each.

Anchor capstan:
2 pieces in front (Pusnes Maritime Windlass 2 x 42 t).

Anchor chains:
2 pieces with 350 m length each

Anchor winches:
2 pieces forward, 3 pieces aft with 35 t each (Pusnes Maritime Auto Tension Winches)


In June 2006, cruise on the Western Mediterranean with the itinerary: Barcelona (Spain) - Day at Sea - Messina (Italy) - Naples (Italy) - Civitavecchia (Italy) - Livorno (Italy) - Villefranche-sur-Mer (France) - Barcelona (Spain)


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